Engineering and Construction Services - 01239 841 888
Our workshop can offer a wide range of Engineering and Construction services on or off site. So if you need a hand putting things together, we're the ones to turn to.
We provide;
- Welding
- Cutting
- Fabrication
- Fitting
- Installation
We can work with mild and stainless steel or aluminium, whatever your requirements.
Large stock of supplies.
We stock a wide range of steel sections, plates and fixings, so you can rest assured that we have all the supplies to make the work go nice and smoothly.
Hydraulic hoses and fittings.
We can supply and manufacture hydraulic pipes/hoses for most agricultural and plant purposes. Hoses can be made from a sample or your specifications on our Gates crimping machine.
Skilled workforce in-house.
Our skilled in-house fitters can be contracted for machinery and plant movement/relocation.
All our workforce are qualified and certified for their duties.
Call us on 01239 841 888 or email us on [email protected] - we're confident we can help you.
See also our
Drilling information page >